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Pelvic Floor Consult

  Pelvic health issues are far more common that you might think. Childbirth, surgery, menopause, or even just a lack of physical fitness can weaken your pelvic muscles—or, in some women, the culprit may be overactive muscles that cause pain or difficulty having sex or with evacuation processes. Some of the most typical symptoms of pelvic dysfunction include:
• urine leakage with exertion (like coughing, laughing, or exercise)
• a feeling of “heaviness” or pulling in the vagina
• pain in the pelvis or buttocks
Giving up sex, laughing, or exercise is no way to live! Pelvic floor physiotherapy is designed to help you rehabilitate or strengthen the muscles in your pelvis. While it might sound intimidating, the treatment is really no more invasive than a pap smear or gynecological exam—without the stirrups. When you come to us for pelvic floor physio, we take a compassionate, knowledgeable, and taboo-free approach to getting you back into great condition.
Every pelvis, like every women, is unique, so the first step to treatment is an exam. From there, we’ll craft a treatment program that works for you and your goals. In addition to general education about your body and pelvis, treatments can include breathing techniques, working with your bowel and bladder habits, exercise programs, and postural therapy. It can also involve soft tissue release or manual therapy—but don’t run screaming! Every one of us has dealt with pelvic health, and we’ll work with you to find the best, most comfortable treatment for you.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy


Women have routinely been left out of discussion and education about our own bodies, and it’s time that changed. The very first step to restoring your pelvic health is to understand your body, and in this series of workshops we give women the tools to do just that.


What Your Mama Didn’t Tell You

Ladies, grab your friends and let’s have an intimate, uncensored conversation with Oakville’s top pelvic health gurus. We’ll chat openly about taboo topics like sex after kids, “peeing a little”, how to get a fit pelvic floor—and why you’d want one. This will be a frank and open discussion about all the things your mama didn’t tell you. Nothing is off limits, and no question is “below the belt”. Join us for this frank and friendly chat and leave understanding your body and how to bring your core back to life.

This workshop features three experts, including our very own pelvic health expert Dr. Sinéad Dufour.

Falls and Incontinence: Yes, they are connected!

It may come as a surprise to you but leaking (“peeing a little”) is connected to your risk of falling. The good news is that there are many (often very easy!) ways to address this issue. Most people don’t know how! Join us for this eye-opening session to learn more about how leaking puts you at risk for falls, and conversely, how turning down the fitness dial can turn on the leaking tap—and how you can address both problems and bring your core back to life.

Pelvic Health 101: What you need to know!

Incontinence, prolapse, and pain..oh my! There’s so much taboo and mystery around pelvic health that it’s no surprise that the average person has gaps in her knowledge. Leaking, prolapse, and even pelvic pain are quite common problems but that doesn’t mean they’re normal. They’re signs of a lack of fitness in your pelvic floor—a term that includes the muscles, fascia, and organs in your pelvis, which is, in turn, a part of your core. Getting back to your peak fitness doesn’t have to involve surgery, and it doesn’t always require Kegels. No matter what issue you face, in most cases there are easy, non-invasive solutions to get you in better shape.

Join our founders and learn how to bring peak fitness back to your core. We will discuss correcting incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic pain so you can get back to living your fabulous life.

Powerful pelvic health care from bold professionals