Get to know your pelvis
We all want healthy bodies but finding the best ways to keep ourselves fit can be tricky. Women who go after solid, science-based information are likely to discover a huge gap in the research—the result of a medical profession that has proved to be incurious (at best) or inconsiderate (at worst) about women’s bodies. Despite an enormous amount of information and advice to help us achieve our general fitness goals, the pelvis just gets skipped over.
It’s time that this change. Women’s bodies are not shameful, weak, or mysterious. All of us—including our pelvises—deserve informed care. We’re here to help. Think of us as your in-the-know girlfriend, ready to guide you through the ins and outs of your pelvis. Don’t be shy: we’ve all got the same parts. Ready? It’s time to get to know your pelvis.
What’s a pelvis?
Let’s talk about your pelvis—yes, your pelvis. “Pelvis” is just a word that refers to the area of your body where your crotch and butt are, and includes all the muscle systems and organs inside. Your pelvic floor alone is composed of more than ten muscles in three layers, plus blood vessels, fascia, and nerves. The organs include your bladder in the front, your uterus in the middle, and your rectum, at the back of your body. Notice anything about this area? You got it: It’s the place where all of our “private” sex and evacuation functions happen. This has a lot to do with why we haven’t been educated about it but every person deserves to understand their body and know how to keep it fit.
Common pelvic health issues
If you’re on this site you’re probably having some sort of pelvic health issue. The most common kind is probably urinary leakage, or “peeing a little”—a problem we associate with age and childbirth. While these factors can definitely contribute, all kinds of people, even young or childless ones, can experience dysfunction. As we say a lot around here, pelvic health issues are common but not normal. (What, you don’t have an office motto?)
There are numerous other types of pelvic health issues other than leakage. Pelvic disorders can involve the muscles or organs (or both), they can be due to extreme tension or a lack of strength, and they can be caused by external or existing factors. Fecal incontinence, pain during intercourse, overactive bladder, and pelvic organ prolapse are all pelvic health issues. Wait! Don’t run screaming! We know these conditions sound like the end of the world, but they’re not. They mean your pelvis needs a bit of love and these issues are relatively easy and straight forward to correct and cure – really!
What’s a healthy pelvis?
A healthy pelvis is one in which all the muscles and organs are working properly without pain or discomfort. Rather than thinking about strength or weakness, it’s more accurate to consider the fitness capacity of your pelvis. A healthy pelvis is an important part of your overall physical fitness—one that you can (and should!) take into consideration.
Can you help me and my pelvis?
People with all kinds of bodies and of all sexes (and gender identities!) can experience pelvic health issues. Corelife Wellness is a women’s health clinic so we focus on women’s concerns. In general, this means that we are not expert men’s issues – even though they are common and important – we have friends we can direct you to for that. But, if you are a women we can likely help you improve your core life wellness!
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