Take Care of Your Core Health And Wellness at Corelife Wellness
Why take care of your core health and wellness? Your core plays a very important role in your overall health and wellbeing. A weakened core can lead to chronic back pain, increased risks of falling, bladder leaks, and so much more. Many people often believe that bladder leaks and mummy tummy are signs of aging that are simply untreatable. Luckily there’s treatment options to help! Our Emsella – Libby Pelvic Chair Therapy is one of those amazing treatments, as well as our Venus Ab Rehab using Emsculpt provide excellent and lasting results without any surgeries or medications.
Although these treatments typically aren’t covered by OHIP, the cost of the Emsella and Emsculpt treatments is small compared to the benefits you will receive.
Emsella – Libby Pelvic Chair Therapy
Our Libby Pelvic Chair Therapy begins with a session on the Emsella kegel chair. This is then followed up with a personalized education and support curriculum that teaches you the habits and body mechanics to maintain the results after your Emsella kegel chair therapy. The Emsella kegel chair produces the same results as doing over 11,000 kegel exercises in a 28-minute session. During the kegel chair therapy you remain fully clothed and sit comfortably on the kegel chair. It is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment for urge incontinence and stress incontinence.
However, Emsella is more than just a kegel chair therapy. It helps your muscles regain elasticity to once again reach their full activation potential, allowing your pelvic muscles to perform optimally.
With thousands of positive Emsella reviews, and our clients love of the benefits provided by our Libby support, this treatment may be right for you. Call us for a consultation today to discuss if the Emsella – Libby Pelvic Chair Therapy is the right treatment option for you.
Strengthen Your Core Health and Wellness
Core strength is essential for balance, incontinence, and so much more. Our Venus Ab Rehab is a great treatment to help. It can help with weak abdominal or deactivated abdominal muscles and imbalances in the strength of the abdominal muscle groups. The Venus Ab Rehab treatment uses Emsculpt to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Contact us to find out if this treatment would benefit you.
Healing a weakened pelvic floor looks different for everyone. Your body and situation are completely unique. Not all core health and wellness symptoms are caused by aging. We will not recommend a treatment until we know exactly what is causing your symptoms. And you shouldn’t self-diagnose either. At Corelife Wellness in Oakville we treat clients who experience core health and wellness pelvic problems. If your core is weak and the muscles are not working together properly, that’s when leakage and pain occurs. Book an appointment to speak to one of our core health and wellness experts to discuss treatment options and start living again.
Corelife Wellness – Your Top Choice for Core Health and Wellness
As providers of Emsella kegel chair therapy and Emsculpt services, we have created a warm and welcoming environment for both men and women to start their road to recovery. Your daily activities don’t have to be impacted by poor core health and wellness.
Stop by Corelife Wellness! We are conveniently located in the Oakville Hospital in Oakville. Give us a call at 647-699-3020 or fill out our contact form available on our website to book a consultation today.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about what we do and how we help clients like you overcome bladder leaks and poor core health and wellness.